Monday, February 8, 2010


Robin Hood teaser played at Superbowl last night. Yeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Terry Thorne

Terry Thorne from Proof of Life

Terry Thorne is a K&R agent. Kidnapping and Ransom. He gets to fly in helicopters and tote around cool weapons. His job enables him to save other people's families at the risk of separating his own. He has a son, Henry. But Terry has left that life, and is now at Crowe's Point. Terry is the brains of the outfit. He has smarts, but he often lets love (or at least the thought of it) get in the way of what he knows is best. His commanding attitude sometimes gives the appearance of being bossy and controlling, but he is kind and open to other's opinions.