Saturday, November 21, 2009


Cort from The Quick and the Dead

Fast hands got him money. Fast hands got him a lightning quick draw. Quick thinking got him a job with greedy outlaw Herod Fee. Cort loved the riding, the shooting, the robbing. But he was forced to shoot a priest who had saved his and Herod's lives. Cort ended his outlaw career--vowing to hang up his gun forever. His mission was burned. The lives of the children he'd help save--shattered. All by Fee. How he hated Fee--he wished he could kill him and all his men for what they'd done to him. Problem was, he couldn't consciously pull a gun--until Herod put him in the contest. But even after he'd drawn--and he did every single time--Cort hadn't thought about it. A killer--a gunfighter--it was his nature.

Quote from Russell on Cort: "Cort's in a sticky situation," Crowe says. "He sees an awful wrong that needs to be corrected. He possesses the skill to do it. But it's something he's promised God never to do again. Does he martyr himself for his beliefs and die? Or does he do what comes naturally and live?"
More details here.

1 comment:

  1. *siiiigh* My favorite...

    Thank you Golden Girl!

